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Title | Club Twerk |
Status | Original - Final |
Videos | 2 |
Runtime | 00:14:35 |
Shoot Date | 2008-04-24 |
Release Date | 2020-04-23 |

Club Twerk
Kari Sweets
[Announcers Voice] Welcome to Club Twerk! Our featured dancer tonight is Kari Sweets. You are hereby warned that: your jaw will drop when you see her booty pop... your heart will stop when you see that booty drop... and you may want to pounce when you see her booty bounce. So tip her well and don't be a jerk, as you can see, she loves to fucking twerk. Our lovely waitresses will fill your drinks to the top and we hope your evening here tonight... does not come to a stop! And finally, for non members... pay your cover here at the door, or maybe it hits you in the ass and knocks you to the floor.
Since I did not shoot this content, I can only give you my thoughts and or experience during the post production processes. So here goes... 4 days ago I was ripping a tape that Felix mailed to me, looking for a good video to update with. I got 11 seconds into the tape, and like I said above... my eyes popped out of my head, my jaw dropped, and realized that I did not know how much of a great ass Kari in fact does have. If you know anything about be, besides loving legs and ass... I can be stopped in my tracks by a dancing girl, especially if she is twerking.
Here is, at least for me, the first step of the video edting process. After ripping the tape, I familiarized myself with the footage and pondered how it could be put together in a meaningful an exciting way. Kari's dancing was great and Felix shot 10 clips with some great shots, but there was a horrible problem. The music was absolute shit, and probably should not even be considered music. No offense to Kari or anyone who may like it, but that's what I think. So the idea of making an exciting video for you all found itself fastly spiraling down the drain.
Step 2... go twerk music shopping. I never thought I would have to do that, ha! It took 3 different music sites, 4 hours of sampling tracks, and $64 friggin bucks to finally find something above average. After downloading my purchase, I immediately imported the track into Final Cut Pro and started dropping clips into the timeline. After several hours, I had 1 minute of footage edited, timed, and looking/sounding great! Here comes problem #2. All of a sudden, a girl with a sexy voice sings this... "jingle bells". WiTF? What am I going to do with this? This lyric thrown into the middle of this song is just weird and makes no sense at all. I did solve this problem though, I simply said... fuck it and moved onward.
So now we have this really neat video, let's call it the phil-flash cut. Even though it's SD video, I airplayed it to my entertainment center from my phone. The footage looks great on the big screen and the sound is rich, deep, and full! My subwoofer got a workout and pounded the shit out of my house. I even took a late night smoke break and walked down to curb. I could still hear the audio AND feel the bass. Your downloadable version was exported at 10.54 Mbit/s, 29.97 fps, and stereo AAC 48,000 Hz. I hope you enjoy my interpretation of the footage mixed with the new music. Be sure to watch to the end, there is some ass smacking action and a cute laugh from Kari that you won't want to miss.
The second video... there was a bunch of still good and useable footage that I did not or could not use in my final cut, so I decided to release all 10 of the original clips. No edits, they are straight off the camera. The only cuts are from the camera pauses by Felix. Collectors and die hards will absolutely love this. I even set up chapter markers for each clip, allowing you to browse the clips like an old school DVD.
My closing thought has to do with ass. Who would have thought that I could have a thought like that, right? After spending the last 3 days with this footage and Kari's phat fucking ass up on my screen non stop, I started to self debate who's ass was my favorite of all time. I have been in absolute love with MeganQt's rear end since I first laid eyes on it in November of 2001, I mean no girl could ever come close in my mind. Butt fuck... I did not know how fantASStic Kari's booty was. I knew that she had a great ass... but not as great as Megan's. Now though... this footage... that behind... the bouncing... the jiggling... the round-ism... ugh! Decide my favorite of the two... I cannot.
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